Sunday, December 21, 2008

dreams of chi-town .

niggas can't sleep these days .
&& by niggas i mean moi .
so for now at night i can't get any shut eye, cause i'm dreaming of getting on a plane && carrying my ass.
once school is finished , i'm out .
idc if i have to stay in a 100 sqft, walkup apartment, w/ no laundry, or AC.
i'm going, && i can't wait another day :)
2 1/2 more years of VCU =/
there's so much more to life then VA.
sooo many people don't understand me, or why i'm so eager to leave.
i mean i'm a curious soul, i get bored easily && i've milked VA for all its worth.
For people wanting to live a normal life, VA is where it's at.
But for those who want to live an exciting life, VA aint it .
Maybe once i get to the city life i'll upgrade to NYC for a while, or LA...
you only got one life :)
&& the sky is the limit .

1 comment:

just lex said...

hola. had to comment on this because i too want to move to chicago so bad that i cannot stand it. we seem to share the exact same sentiments, especially the curious soul part. wish you well :)